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Cecilia La Rosa Instructor


I did not believe it until I bought my first land for $7K in Port Charlotte, FL  in 2021, from my laptop.
It's a 10,000 SF uncleared lot.


 Here is the Tax Deed 


Click HERE to see it.



This will be a gift for one of my granddaughters.

Maybe she will want to sell it or she might want to keep it and build on it…
In 15 years from now, who knows how populated Charlotte, FL  will be? 


So far this is what we see 














Over time, land tends to increase, near developing areas. 


This is another Tax Deed, 




The Clerk of Courts Tax Deed department has great people to work with. 
You can call them and decide for yourself.  

Have you ever invested in LAND,

Maybe you did and had a bad experience.


These are  Off-Market deals?


Lands available for taxes  is a low-risk strategy, but so dangerously effective, if you dedicate the time to research for your next purchase,  that I take no responsibility for how you use it:)!

See, there is little to no competition on these lists.

BIO ( short version:)


I was born in Argentina. We moved to South Florida in 2000. 
As a realtor in FL Since 2004 I  knew about the traditional way to invest with loans.
And the wholesale business model… but that was about it…


Despite my limited English at the time, I am now able to communicate crystal clear with buyers, sellers, and investors, landlords and renters. I have been catering to local and international clientele for over 20 years.

Helping people to create wealth by investing in real estate, the traditional way, is what I do. 

Using  loans, I too invested using the traditional way. I made mistakes, lost properties, learned a lot, and started over. 

My never-ending drive to learn more about the multifaceted world of real estate led me to find a low-risk strategy called:

Lands available for taxes. 



After the pandemic, did you rewire the way you work, live, invest? 

The world had. 

That is why Broward and Miami housing prices tripled.
People realized that they can work from anywhere. 
They chose the most Caribbean weather in the best country in the world: South Florida.


Celebrities  moved to Broward County and Miami. National business headquarters too.

World known, High-end brands attach their names on buildings on the East Coast of South Florida.


It is not the same to own a condo in the Armani Tower or Porsche tower than in Quadomain Tower ... .South Florida has worldwide recognition. 


The global demand increased the housing prices nationwide, especially in FL


In what ways did the pandemic affect you, your family, and your finances?


Did you ask yourself: ‘What could I do differently this year, that will help advance my financial goals.
Where can I find additional opportunities?

Find that  one missing "puzzle piece" that can improve my savings strategy. 
Something with low risk, kind of entry level.


 A strategy that gives me the time and freedom to build my business around my life, and not around the lives of everyone who wants something from me?


Maybe you are already investing in various good opportunities and you are multiplying them. Maybe you are intimately knowledgeable about Tax Deeds, Wholesale, Surplus or Lands available for taxes and you  have your opinions and experiences. 

Good for you!  


 However, most likely you've just heard about them , and now you are ready to learn.


On my end, after losing my mom and almost losing my husband, I started to study to get another license to sell life insurance.
Four of my clients in 2020  were widows due to Covid, whose husbands did not have life insurance and had to sell their homes.

Then I started to learn about investing in Tax Deeds..  
I always wanted to invest directly with the government.
There is so much free content out there but the information alone is not enough for me.
I had questions.. 

So I got a coach. 


THE DISCOVERY She is the tax deed genius. Call her.

She does not disappoint.

I paid for her one-on-one coaching. It was worth every penny.
Her personal course is priceless! I got all my answers :)
Above all, I got empowered with new knowledge. Now I have to implement it!

She introduced me to the Lands Available for Taxes investment strategy. 
Plus, I learned about tax deeds and tax liens, surplus, and other methods to invest in real estate non-traditionally. No Realtors, no loans. Just cash.

When I learned about these public records that are available to anyone, these off-market parcels that no one is advertising, and those free lists that I can research and invest in with low risk, no credit, and no special license, naturally, I started to invest.

I also sought more information in FL and in other states: South Carolina, Michigan, Arkansas, Indiana, and Mississippi. I am still reading.
I saw videos from investors who were generous with the information they had about lands available.
You will find plenty of free information when you start to look for it! There are programs, coaching, teachings, videos, boot camps, e-books, seminars, about tax deeds, auctions, tax liens, etc.
Lands available for taxes are not so popular. For good reasons, in my course, you will understand why.
I have read several investors' blogs.
The website BiggerPockets is a great source of information you can start reading now.
I spoke with lawyers, title companies, title insurance companies, and title examiners. I read all the information directly from the counties' websites
You can Visit your County Clerk of Court website and Type: Lands Available. 
You will find a tab with FAQs.
Read them. You will learn about the process to buy them. 
They will also advise you to do your due diligence.
I have read Florida Statute 197.502 and statutes for many other states. I wanted to learn about delinquent property taxes and their procedures. This is free information, and you can start reading today. The law will answer all of your questions

After my discovery of this unfair advantage strategy—this little niche, so secretly placed, hidden in the open—where I can find a free list of options to buy land with little to no competition, I bought, then bought more, and will continue to buy.


 I also asked everybody I knew if they were buying from there. 

Very few had any idea of what I was talking about. 
Those who knew had partial or incorrect information. 

So I decided to start teaching it .




I thought to myself, if I die tomorrow, this knowledge will die with me..
My grandkids will not have the opportunity to know how to buy land for taxes, in 3 simple basic steps.


( it is simple but not easy, it can involve long hours of reading and research type of work)

Many of the things we do know with ease were difficult one time.


I decided to  pre-record videos for them, but I realized that creating a *course is not so simple.

Great teachers take new, complex concepts, and make it easy to understand.


Good Teachers are heroes to me. 

So I decided to learn how to create a course. 

I paid a coach to teach me how to create a course… 


Her name is Danille Leslie, in case you want to create your own course, she is great.


( I’m sure that you know something that I don’t, something worth teaching, anything that you think will improve the lives of your grandkids, you should explore the option to teach it .   
If your knowledge can improve my life ... .why not? Teach me! 🙂)


Danielle taught me to how to do  one on- one- coaching, to validate my course.

I did  it with 7 students, including realtors, friends and investors in, US, Colombia and Argentina .


 All are amazed with the opportunity .
But coaching is time consuming and just not for me.

Last  piece of background:




Because I tend to overthink my decisions and can talk myself out of good things
(my husband always looks at me with puzzled eyes while my mind is running wild with all these thoughts—
thank God he is super supportive and brings me tea), 

I wanted to validate my course even more. 

Yes, even after the one-on-one coaching.

You might think I am crazy, right?
Well, what I really wanted was automation.

I want to concentrate my time on traditional real estate while having peace of mind that this knowledge is online helping other people.

So, I started the pre-recorded videos. 

Once more, I studied to become a certified instructor on
On this website, you can teach whatever you want. 
They will host your course and share it on their platform.
For the final stage of validation and now automation of my course, I uploaded my fabulous course on Udemy and taught my three basic simple steps. 

After verifying the validity of my course with more happy students nationally and internationally, and after enough good reviews on Udemy, I am now bringing this to you for three reasons:

1. I'm sure my course is legit.
2. These buildable lots are in your state.
3. Even if I tell you:

Here , Go to these  free links for off-market land:

Link 1  

Link 2

You will still need the step-by-step process to complete the research and the purchase.

Disclaimer: If you are a realtor or if you own property in US, some parts of my course may not be new to you. Kindly just skip those lessons. I just dont assume that everybody knows about County appraiser duties. That is why is explain it in the first module.

So there you have it—a long story condensed into a 2.5-hour course to change the next 25+ years .

If you don’t want to do this alone, bring someone else on board and take the course together with your entrepreneurial friend.


 This Course:

This course is the equivalent of gaining years' worth of know-how and experience in a matter of hours—knowledge that would take you months to acquire on your own.

So, if you’re at least curious about shortcutting your learning curve,

I welcome you to close this tab,

go to a quiet place,

grab a comfortable chair and get a pen and paper.


Start writing your goals for the next 6+ months. Just write a number:

**- How many deeds do you want?
How much land?

In the short term, and in the long term?

Vision drives decision. 

This is an opportunity that you can swipe and deploy immediately.

Only if you are humble enough to put your head down, start researching like crazy,

and take massive action will you see results.


I remember during my coaching with Jackie, I opened a yellow manilla folder and title it : DEEDS.

It was empty at that time... Now it has plenty.

Thomas the Doubter


If you are still doubting, close this page. Save it for later.


VERIFY your source and then make a decision.

Call your friend investors.

Research online and form your own opinion.

Research the counties' Frequently Asked Questions.

Call the counties!
See for yourself the process they already have in place to sell you their land—and the dangers of doing it blindly. ( without proper Due Diligence)

Some counties will answer quickly, while others may take longer to respond, but they will talk to you.

And what are you going to ask them?


Well, I will teach you, but it will be along these lines:

“Hello, I am interested in buying this parcel of land 1236 from your list of lands available for taxes. Can you tell me how much the payoff is?”

It’s that simple! ( of course, you have done your due diligence before this call)

Some of the counties will ask you to fill out a specific form. Others will ask you to email them. But they will be happy to help you with the purchase.

After you’ve done your research and are comfortable enough—when you are sure that you want to learn more—feel free to pay and take the course.



Let’s be clear, 

I cannot guarantee your results because I don’t know you.
I don’t know how hard you will work, how thorough you will be with your due diligence, how much time you will dedicate, or your overall strategy.
I know I invested hours upon hours researching for my next deal and found many opportunities. I said no to other things so I could focus on this.
And you will have to do the same.
Investing is something you do, not something you merely learn. If your idea of investing is to pick up some magic pumpkin seeds and move on to the next magic store, and if you are not willing to sacrifice something, this course won’t help your cause. No course, class, book, or conference brings results unless you implement the new knowledge.

What I can guarantee is:


 IF you take this initiative and resist the temptation to quit at the first hurdle, 

you can unlock the back-door to access  tangible opportunities hidden online

 and walk away with not just the knowledge and information, 
but with a crystal- clear path for you and your loved ones
Of WHERE to find lands for taxes.

You will have the  peace of mind that there is more land to buy than buyers.
If you give yourself a chance , and complete the course, you will discover  the same empowering feeling I have and that no one can take away from you. 

The feeling is this: you can buy land for unpaid taxes with little to no competition, if you do not quit researching.


 Main reason  to do this course  is because these teachings are based on a Law.
It's not just  a good idea nor Cecilia’s idea.

It is the Law regarding property taxes, delinquent taxes, and how counties receive payments. 

Statute 197.502 you can start reading it today.

The property taxation law has been working in its present form for over 100 years and it's fair to say that nothing in our society could possibly last that long unless it has value in it.
Even if these laws change, you just need to read the new provisions, adapt and keep investing.

If I, coming from South America  from a working - class family, we never owned anything there. 

We came to this country barely speaking English. I got my real estate license, bought a bunch of condos with my husband, lost, filed BK. Reinvented myself,  kept learning. Invested again.

Now own land outright , and I know I can keep buying for my grandkids, I’m sharing the strategy with you.

I trust you will buy land soon, you know why?
Very, very simple: 
Because If I can do it,
you can too.


Origin story. 

I come from a working-class family.  My parents always work and own restaurants. 

So from an early age all we saw were long hours of hard work, customer service and teamwork. For my brother and me, Christmas gifts were mostly left  at the restaurant tree, not at our house!

I always wanted to go beyond the beautiful mountains surrounding La Patagonia, my native place. He still enjoys the magical place of the south.

A client recently asked me where I learned English

I studied English in Bariloche, the southern part of Argentina, and then in Buenos Aires.

However, nothing prepares the ears for American English like moving to the US.
When we came to Florida, I was told that my first job should be in a Latin restaurant. However, in my mind’s eyes, that would not help me advance my English!  I do love latin food though.

I opted for telemarketing... in English... because they offered training.

I was selling something I don’t even remember.

And they had a script:)

In my mind, I was in the longest English class ever! 

Every telemarketer was supportive and taught me how to pronounce each word of the script correctly.

Up until today, I work to improve my pronunciation by listening to audiobooks. 

My next job was in a call center that offered customer service for a bank.

I didn’t even know the names of the streets!

In my country, you write the address differently. First is the name of the street, then the number, next is the zip code,  last is the city . 
          Calle Mitre 382
C/P 8400 Bariloche, Rio Negro
The callers would yield: "Transfer me to someone who speaks English!" I cried more than I can remember.   However we never despise the days of small beginnings,right?

After 20+ years working in Broward County, I can confidently tell you that if you are looking to buy or sell real estate in this county you call me, I know the addresses now:)  
I have been helping people navigate the South Florida Real Estate Market for so long that currently I am working with the second generation of my clients. 

I am connected with my area and the many opportunities that constantly come to market .

I love what I do.

I go out and speak with people. I door knock, I cold call,  I jump out of bed with a big smile on my face every time I have an open house because I know I will meet amazing people, buyers, sellers, investors. 
I appreciate the connection during such special transitions such as uprooting the family and relocating to new schools districts, neighborhoods, and jobs.  
I’ ve seen the county landscape change  from  quiet residential neighborhoods  to booming metropolitan areas like Hollywood City , Fort Lauderdale , Hallandale Beach. The coast in Broward County now looks like  South Beach Miami.

I’ve seen the county landscape change from quiet residential neighborhoods to booming metropolitan areas like Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale Beach. 

What excites me most about real estate is the human interaction. Buyers, sellers, investors, renters, landlords, realtors, brokers,  - we are all human and  we all need connection and  support. Every sale has a story to be honored and together we are better..
Being entrusted and being part of such significant life decisions is a privilege to me.

Beyond my professional life,

I'm a happy wife, my husband is the most amazing person I could have ever met.  I could not be doing everything I do, without him. We are both avid readers. I'm more in love with him now than when I married him 25 years ago. God has kept us together. He has three amazing daughters and 4 incredible grandchildren.

I am a proud mom of the most caring and loving daughter I never thought possible to have.

She came to my life when I was 17 years old.


Her light and smile changed my life,  marked the path of love and change my name for ever: Ma!


She gives love a whole new meaning to me.

Now she is happily married and I am a blessed grandma. 

That is another level of joy words can not describe.

I enjoy handcrafts and now I am learning  to sew.


I have been volunteering at Sunday school since 2008, with the 5-year-olds classroom.

These roles reflect my commitment, nurturing nature, and passion for empowering others, especially youngsters.


 God bless you!


Cecilia La Rosa, 

PS: you can email me at or call me at 754 273 0265



Aerial View of Land in Florida
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